Data master


Set up your data structure such as product and customer types, custom documents, transactional channels and more in our proprietary data warehouse. Data ingestion can occur in real time or through batch processes, depending on the specific use case. Visualize all  client and transactional data in a friendly manner and act upon that data by having readily available actions such as changing a user’s status or sending data requests for an enhanced due diligence.

Our system adapts to your data structure, not the other way around

Customize entities such as product types, transaction channels and more to  give the right structure to your database. Set up custom fields, validations, and more.

Any data type

Our data warehouse supports strings, dates, numeric, boolean, and custom catalogs.

Ingestion engine with validation rules

Establish custom validation rules for your data ingestion to make sure your users can view only clean data.

Advanced analytics

There's no need to use additional analytics tools. Our data master is built to suit fintech data optimally and extract the most valuable insights.

Custom dashboards

Setup dashboard with counters, tables and charts for quick visualization of your most relevant data.

Advanced analytics tools

Use our query builder to filter data, along with our sorting, and grouping functionality to view your data just the way you need it.

Enrich your data for more insights

Leverage our database connections, data parsing and data calculations to get more insights from your raw data.

Data interpretation

Get addresses from coordinates, merchant data from transactional data, or even a counterpart’s financial institution from the account number.

Calculated data

Get granular statistics on account behavior such as transaction volume by product, currency and more.

Ready to get started?